Step 1: Producer Growth Kit
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Step 3: Access Your Downloads
Step 1: Producer Growth Kit
Step 2: Last Step!
Step 3: Access Your Downloads

"Get Another 3,000 High Quality Melodies, Drum Samples, MIDI, And More, For 98% Off!

100% Royalty Free. Bundle gone in less than 15 minutes...
  • Produce High Quality Tracks With These Perfectly Crafted, Unique Melodies, Drum Samples, And MIDI
  • ​Diversify your sound and effortlessly create tracks in multiple genres and styles with these recourses
  • ​Impress your listeners, fans, and other musicians with industry quality samples and MIDI produced by a professional production team.
  • Destroy writer's block by having over 3,000 melodies, progressions, chords, and more, at your fingertips!
  • Boost your workflow so you can finish more music, and cut out time wasted on endless trial and error. 
  • Do whatever you want with these samples and MIDI without worrying about royalties, because they are 100% royalty free!
  • Produce High Quality Tracks With These Perfectly Crafted, Unique Melodies, Drum Samples, And MIDI
  • ​Diversify your sound and effortlessly create tracks in multiple genres and styles with these recourses
  • ​Impress your listeners, fans, and other musicians with industry quality samples and MIDI produced by a professional production team.
  • Destroy writer's block by having over 3,000 melodies, progressions, chords, and more, at your fingertips!
  • Boost your workflow so you can finish more music, and cut out time wasted on endless trial and error. 
  • Do whatever you want with these samples and MIDI without worrying about royalties, because they are 100% royalty free!



Producers, Do You Want To Stop Dealing With These Struggles?

  • Struggling to start tracks, and getting writer's block when trying to come up with any ideas?
  • Not able to get your musical ideas from your head into your track?
  • Stuck using the same samples making it hard to produce unique, and diverse tracks?
  • You find yourself not finishing tracks, and are stuck with a lot of unfinished projects?
To help you overcome these roadblocks, we created a bundle filled with recourses that will level up your music quality, workflow, and more!

Producers, Have You Ever Felt This Way?

  • Struggling with 'writer's block' and lack of creativity?
  • Stuck using the same samples making it hard to produce unique, and diverse tracks?
  • Your hard drive is filling up with unfinished projects, because you get stuck or unmotivated before you finish?
  • You want to incorporate live instruments into your tracks, but don't have the time or equipment to do so?
To help you overcome these roadblocks, we created a kit filled with recourses that will level up your music quality, workflow, and more!

Introducing: The Producer Starter Bundle.

The ultimate combination of high quality melodies, drum samples, MIDI, and more! You're also getting a free production course showing you how to get the most out of the recourses, and how to level up your sound quality! 

These recoures and courses will ensure...
  • Your music stands out from the masses of producers who use the same boring chord progressions, and presets.
  • You don't need to worry about writer's block as you have inspiration at your fingers.
  • ​Your listeners will be blown away at the quality of your music!



Here's Just A Sneak Peak Of The 3,000+ Samples And MIDI You're Going To Receive Today!

100% Royalty Free. Works With All Software And Hardware.

Melody Loops

Attention 130bpm Emin
Blasted 140bpm D min
Stuck 121bpm Emin
Accept me 140bpm Db min
Asking 140bpm Emin
Calendar 161bpm Eb min

Melody Loops

Beam 140bpm D major
Beam 140bpm D major
You aint mine 104bpm Eb minor
4pf 143bpm Cmin
Any means 117bpm bmin
Bulgarian 130bpm Cmin
Day Out 130bpm D#min

Drum Samples

Kick Demos
Snare Demos
Hi Hat Demos
808 Demos
Clap Demos
Snare 2 Demos



The WavGrind 100% Money Back Guarantee

If for any reason you decide this kit isn't for you, send an email to and I'll refund you the money on the spot. This never expires. You can get a refund at any time.

There's absolutely no risk for you!

I don't want anything to stand in the way of you jumping on this opportunity.

Here's EVERYTHING You'll Get When You Order Today...

  • The Producer Starter Bundle Sample Library - 3,000+ High Quality, Royalty Free Samples ($447 Value)
  • ​FREE BONUS #1 - The Nightmare Trap Sample Library ($67 Value)
  • ​FREE BONUS #2 - The Magic R&B Sample Library ($67 Value)
  • ​FREE BONUS #3 - The "Tracks From Scratch" Video Production Course ($147 Value)

Frequently Asked Questions

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